“Trust the wisdom of your soul. It knows the way.”

“We are living in the time of paradigm shift…new ways to see old information. Things we thought were meant one to be way, now point to something wholly another way…information that was once accepted without question, now begs to be examined with a new understanding. These are times of cognitive dissonance…it’s uncomfortable…it can be fearful…But things won’t change until you allow yourself to be uncomfortable…to feel the fear till it passes. Denial won’t stop it…Denial only intensifies it. Loosen your grip on what you believe…allow new ideas to enter.” ~ Duane Townsend

It is true that when “information that was once accepted without question, now begs to be examined with a new understanding”, there are times of cognitive dissonance because we will have to find ways to reconcile the old way and new way of looking at things. Such feelings of uncomfortableness and fear can be a positive thing as they show that we are thinking for ourselves instead of just following established ideologies and traditions and practices in the past. Like what he said, accepting the fear and discomfort is part of the process of growth and evolution, so to speak. It is not easy to loosen the grip on what we believe and allow new ideas to enter especially when we have been taught to believe in something for a long time or when an ideology has been accepted without question for a long time by many people.

When it comes to religions or belief systems, I have experienced one paradigm shift after another as I explored Buddhism, new age, Christianity, and so on, and it is a continual process of assimilating, evaluating and reconciling ideas and practices that sound contradictory or different, and at the same time, finding commonalities and similarities that are shared among these belief systems. I am coming to a place where I think maybe truths are found not in clear-cut cases of either-or, but in paradoxes and mysteries, which are necessary grey areas. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is an example of duality that proposes either good or evil, whereas the tree of life goes beyond duality. Yet the paradox is that both trees are necessary as part of the whole. There is a place for duality, such as hot and cold, light and dark, and good and evil, faith and doubt, happiness and sadness, etc, and there is a place for non-duality or unity or oneness. Similarly, materialism or science and spirituality may go hand in hand in order for us to have a holistic view when making sense of our perceptions in life. Concepts and ideologies are ultimately tools for us to choose to make sense of life as we know it, and we can follow that which resonates the most in our hearts at a particular point in time of our journey. As a saying goes, “Trust the wisdom of your soul. It knows the way.”

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This song came to my mind even as I am reflecting on the above thoughts, and I have googled the lyrics just now, and i find the lyrics are surprisingly apt to express the angst of coming to terms with paradigm shifts, contradictions, paradoxes and mysteries, and the reality that sometimes life doesn’t make sense especially when bad or unfortunate things happen. Here’s sharing this song called “Show me the way” that I used to listen to in the 90s.

Styx – Show Me The Way by la_shivi

Every night I say a prayer in the hope(s) that there’s a heaven.
and everyday I’m more confused as the saints turn into sinners
All the heroes and legends I knew as a child have fallen to idols of clay
And I feel this empty place inside so a fraid that I’ve lost my faith
Show me the way, show me the way
take me tonight to the river and wash my illusions away
Please show me the way
And as I slowly drift to sleep, for a moment dreams are sacred
I close my eyes and know there’s peace in a world so filled with hatred
That I wake up each morning and turn on the news to find we’ve so far to go
And I keep on hoping for a sign, so afraid that I just won’t know
Show me the way, Show me the way
Bring me tonight to the mountain
And take my confusion away
And show me the way
And if I see a light, should I believe
Tell me how will I know
Show me the way, show me the way
Take me tonight to the river
wash my illusions away
Show me the way, show me the way
Give me the strength and the courage
To believe that I’ll get there someday
And please Show me the way
Every night I say a prayer
In the hope(s) that there’s a heaven…..
Show me the way”

Seize the day – Mike Myers

Below is a thoughtful post by Mike Myers.

“Today I put 1200 screws into 100 face frames. So basically that freed up my brain to think about other stuff. Like why am I here? Where am I going and where was I before here?

What if the New Agers are right?
What if we all are one?
What if we had complete intimacy with each other before we came to earth?
And what if this is our first experience in a body?
What if our insecurities are really rooted in separation anxiety from each other? Maybe we really miss the that unity with each other?
What if this is our first time where we can’t hear each other’s thoughts?
What if before we came here we never had to guess each other’s motives?
What if we chose to come to earth because we wanted our souls to grow in wisdom, love, forgiveness, knowledge and compassion?
What if our enemies were our best of friends in a previous life?
What if the rich and famous are the beginners in their soul refinement and the poor minorities are ready to graduate?
What if suffering produces substance to the soul?
What if our souls have no gender and that’s why people of the same sex love each other?
What if we’re no longer human after we die?
What if this is the first time I’ve been given the opportunity to have a self?
What if I was so intertwined with the rest of you that selfishness wasn’t even a possibility for me then?

Why do I have these thoughts? Because I’ve tasted true intimacy. I’ve been intimate with both men and women in a non-sexual way. I’ve experienced compassion within myself that moved me like nothing else ever has. It’s beautiful to feel someone’s hurt. It’s a privilege that someone would let me feel their pain. And of course it’s exhilarating to be so supportive of someone that you explode with pride when they accomplish the seemingly impossible.

I don’t think life is a test. I think life is a college. And maybe we’re not graded on our performance. Maybe we’re all just auditing the classes that interest us. And maybe everything I just wrote is total bullshit. Either way, I’m not dogmatic about life anymore. I have lots of questions now. And that gives my soul a sense of awe that it didn’t have when I knew everything when I was a Christian.

I hope we all enjoy earth while we can. We’re not here very long. So seize the day!”

-Mike Myers

Being free from the institutional religion does encourage us to think beyond the theological box, freely and boldly indeed. I like the questions he posed – some of them are similar to the questions that I have considered before, such as the possibility that we are all one and the new agers are right (since they subscribe to ancient wisdom that depends on intuition). He has asked many other good questions based on reason and observation – such as “What if suffering produces substance to the soul?” I think that may be a mystery that unfurls and unfolds over time because many a times, we see and experience suffering in ourselves or in others as a means to become more compassionate and understanding, which otherwise might not have developed if we had an easier life.

This in turn may answer the question “What if the rich and famous are the beginners in their soul refinement and the poor minorities are ready to graduate?” It seems to me that, apart from some rag-to-riches stories of how hardship builds people’s character and compassion, most of the people who are addicted to fame and wealth (in business, entertainment, religious, political circles, etc) are spiritually impoverished compared to those who do not have as much and are free from such addictions – maybe that’s what Jesus means by “blessed are the poor (in spirit), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” to describe the paradoxical reality.

Overall, I agree with his view that life is a college in which we learn and “grow in wisdom, love, forgiveness, knowledge and compassion”. There may be no definite answers to the mystery behind the afterlife, but it is always worth being open to the possibilities of being connected to the eternal realm and being temporary visitors on earth, as described in the Australian Aboriginal proverb in this blog.

Piscean Age and Aquarian Age

Piscean age and aquarian age

I came across this interesting quick-reference chart that compares between Piscean and Aquarian ages.

Piscean age                                         Aquarian age

Duality – right and wrong                     Unity – Oneness

Competition                                              Cooperation

Motivated by fear                                     Motivated by Greater Good (Love)

Separation                                                 Connection/Synthesis

(insanity of the ego)                                 (me – local/global)

Focus on differences                                Focus on uniqueness

(categorise – label)                                    (see the gift of each person)

Scarcity                                                        Abundance

Intellectual – the mind                            Intuitive

Dependence on authority                        Personal responsibility

(Victim consciousness – child)               (Spiritual adulthood)

Slave to the senses                                    Spirit prevails over the material

Go and Get it                                              Sit in You and Attract

(work harder/work smarter)                   everything you need

I find that the quick reference chart that compares between Pisces and Aquarian ages mostly resonates with me, especially the excerpt I have typed out above. For example, as we move into the dawn of the Aquarian age in 2012, so to speak, we are seeing more awareness of our oneness and unity, instead of duality and illusion of separation. We are also becoming more aware of abundance, instead of scarcity (as propagated by the old world monetary economic system).

As more and more of us are leaving organised religions and dismissing fear-based doctrines, we are learning to be motivated and led by love within. We are also taking personal responsibility instead of depending on authority. Those who want to remain in the old world mindset that belongs to the Piscean age in order to hold on to power, control and money through fear, manipulation and greed will not have an easy time in future because more and more of us are awakening to the divinity and abundance in ourselves.

Last but not least, yes, our spirit prevails over the material realm and no longer goes by the five senses. We are learning to be still and know we are God/Goddess, and remain in peace, and we will attract everything that we need. When we rest in our true identity, we will be able to follow our intuition closely and make wise decisions in life.

“The Aquarian Shift” – J. Walker

Video information

The Aquarian Shift has been called by many the first “New Age Rap Song”. J.Walker is an emcee who has always lived life metaphysically minded. When presented Eric Rankin’s novel “The Aquarians”, J.Walker wrote a song which speaks to the hope, magic and synchronicity which fills the book and many of the mapmakers in today’s world.

The Aquarian Shift explores the possibility that the end of the Mayan Calendar is the beginning of a new consciousness. December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new reality, one where we will focus on peace and love, one where imagination and creativity will be valued more than ever, one where the old ways of the Pisces age take a back seat to the Aquarian energy.

2012 – A message of hope II (2)

Here’s sharing a video I came across recently which I found to have a hopeful message.

In the video, Albert Einstein was quoted as saying “the field is the sole governing agency of the particle”, and it was explained that this refers to the energy field in quantum physics that connects all things. Incidentally, Gregg Braden was then shown to be saying that we can speak a meaningful, non-verbal language to this field, which is similar to his message in the video on his new book “The spontaneous healing of belief – shattering the paradigm of false limits”.

Some parts of the above video seem familiar, and I think it may have watched a similar 2012 awakening video that was made along similar lines. I like the message in the video, such as “the power of many hearts in a state of unity have the awesome potential to bring peace to our planet.” I think this is possible only or mainly when more people practise meditation and deep breathing. It reminds me of what I read in the book preview of “The Silence of the Heart: Reflections of the Christ Mind – Part II” recently by Paul Ferrini.

“Take a deep breath and relax. Now take another one. Breathe and return to the heart. Breathe and return to your essential Self.

Unless you return to the heart, you cannot see with compassion. And one who does not see with compassion does not see accurately. All that is perceived is a fabrication, a hyperbole. It simply feeds your boredom or anxiety.

Breathing is the key to living a spiritual life in physical embodiment.

If you want to lead a spiritual life breathe deeply and slowly. … One who breathes is not afraid or overwhelmed by what life presents because he or she has the energy to meet all circumstances.”

(From “The Silence of the Heart: Reflections of the Christ Mind – Part II” by Paul Ferrini)

Added thoughts (21 December 2012)

I managed to trace the video I have watched that contains the above scenes. It is called “Sacred knowledge of vibrations and the power of human emotions“.

Believe nothing without testing

Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books,

Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it,

Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held,

Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin,

Believe nothing just because someone else believes it,

Believe nothing even I said it so,

Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. ~Lord Buddha~

Yea, we are to test everything and see if they are of the truth, as in whether it sets us free from fear, guilt, sickness, condemnation, etc. Anything that brings peace, health, wholeness, edification, etc, to oneself and others, I would say it’s beneficial to people. Even as people share revelations or advice online to encourage one another, we are in the process of working out our own salvation (healing, wellness, soundness, peace, preservation, etc) as we take what ministers peace and healing to ourselves and leaves out those that may not work for us.

Each of us is unique and has unique needs and experiences, and so while we can all learn from one another, we can at the same time heed the still, small voice within, to see whether we can take what we hear or read wholesale, or adapt it to address our specific needs, or not accept it at all. It helps therefore to keep an open, inquiring mind, as we all continue to grow and evolve.

For example, while I’m usually open to the new age perspectives of 2012, I’ve my reservations about those prophecies that seem to project a sense of fear or doom in the future. We need no outside saviour, and we are our own saviour because everything is within us – we are divine within. So even if some well-respected new age teacher were to say this year will have some troubles, etc, I would choose not to go with that idea because I can prophesy my own future. I don’t need outside prophecies. (I don’t mind the positive ones though.)

We can create our own reality.

My nugget of encouragement for today is:  “Live in the present moment. Yesterday is past and tomorrow is brighter still.” Yes, I would rather go with living one day at a time and expecting each day to be good and enjoy the blessings of today every day. 🙂