“I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You? (UFO Disclosure)”

I like what the presenter said in the video below: “Extraterrestrial beings are peaceful evolved spiritual beings and want to share their knowledge and technologies to help us heal our planet and to help all beings thrive.”

Video information

This video has been produced and released by InLIght Radio for you to share with all your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues – and the world – to let them know that our Galactic family is here. Keep sharing!

You can now enjoy and share this video with seventeen different language subtitles thanks to Luisa, Christoph and the Family of Light Translators (for English, use the “English” option, not the “English-transcribed” option). Turn on Captions using the symbol on the right-hand side of the bottom menu bar above left and select your language. For English subtitles, use the “English” option, not the “English-Transcribed” option which is computer generated and inaccurate.

For too long, our governments, military leaders, religious leaders and the mainstream media have hidden the truth of our galactic history and the real presence of our star brothers and sisters from us. Not any more! Our Galactic family is here – and has been since the beginning of time, and they come in peace, love and friendship to help us fix our planet and create the world we all deserve – a world of peace, pristine environments, equality on every level (racial, financial, sexual) and, importantly, love.

This video features the InLight Radio on-air team – Graham Dewyea, Steve Beckow, Geoffrey West, Linda Dillon, Dave Schmidt, Sierra Neblina and Stephen Cook – as they share their personal disclosure stories and ask you to share this video with everyone you know via your social media and online resources. We know our Galactic family is here – do you?

Words are powerful

Yes, words have the power to create or destroy a moment. I think this is because words, like thoughts, are spirit and can convey a person’s intention and emotional energies. It takes constant awareness or mindfulness for each person to choose words carefully when communicating with others in order to minister life and peace, though everyone falls short from time to time for various reasons (which is part of being human). Meditation practitioners understand the importance of words to create moments of inner peace, such as “om” or some other mantra, to help them focus and reconnect themselves to their true self and their oneness with the universe.

“Enlightened anarchy” – Mahatma Gandhi

Enlightened anarchy:

English: USSR stamp, Mahatma Gandhi, 1969, 6 k...
English: USSR stamp, Mahatma Gandhi, 1969, 6 k. Русский: Марка СССР, Махатма Ганди, 1969, 6 коп. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Gandhi’s ideal State was a non-violent state of enlightened anarchy where social life would remain self-regulated. In that State there is no ruler, no subject, no government or no governed. It is a perfect State consisting of enlightened persons, self-regulated and self-controlled following the principles of non-violence.

(From “Gandhi’s ideal State was a non-violent state of enlightened anarchy“)

According to the above article, in Gandhi’s ideal non-violent state of enlightened anarchy, every individual (who is enlightened) lives a self-regulated life, instead of depending on a centralised authority or government. This ideal state resonates with me because it promotes peace, unity and harmony among people. It is a worthy goal to work towards. As long as there is a government, no matter how noble or uncorrupted it may be, it tends to perpetuate a continual dependence of people on the government to regulate their lives.

In this Age of Enlightenment, we all can work towards becoming responsible for our own actions and learning to be guided by love from within. When more of us do that, there will be no need for police to keep law and order because we will respect one another’s rights. Eventually, there will be no need for government too, as we can learn to collaborate with one another to achieve our dreams and meet our needs. I hope to see more of this happening in our collective evolution.

Mysteries of the Heart

Video information

The Institute of HeartMath (http://www.heartmath.org) shares fascinating understandings of the human heart as explored in more than 20 years of its research. The ‘Did you know’ facts are lesser-known gems of information to enlighten curiosity on how your own thoughts and emotions are affecting yourself and others.

HeartMath Research Director Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., says, “It’s important to take a pause and really consider what our emotions are contributing to our environment and to other people. Our research and its applications can help people create a positive emotion-based environment that has real effects on physiology.”

McCraty said that the true nature of human emotion is one of care and love. He said HeartMath and other research shows that by focusing on these core heart-felt emotions, it can enhance one’s connection with others, and that this connection extends far beyond the individual.

Learn more at http://on.fb.me/explore-IHM where you can also download a free ebook.

It is interesting to see the heart as the seat of human emotions that can be felt from a distance as electromagnetic waves, which I think can be described as vibrations. It is also noteworthy that positive emotions can promote the brain’s ability to generate creative and innovative ideas. I think having a heart that is at peace and free from guilt and condemnation is the ideal state as the person would be able to function optimally, being able to follow one’s intuition, or as new age practitioners would say, to follow the bliss.

Beyond the fear of living without money

I agree with the inspirational and practical message that it is possible to live in a world without money without fear when “we all can work together for the benefit of humankind (and the environment) without the need for money and the slavery it creates”. While many people are still conditioned by the modern society and governments to think money is indispensable for living or making a living, more and more people can awake to the fact that we have the power to co-create a new or different kind of world in which we do things for ourselves and others out of love and compassion within us. The Zeitgeist Movement orientation presentation video also gave some examples of people who did great service to humankind without seeking monetary rewards, including the Wright brothers and Albert Einstein, and the rest of us can too be our own shining lights. It all starts with the power of one, and the ripple effect continues.

I have checked out the website of the narrator of the above video “An open letter to all mankind“. I agree with what he shared here:

“Nature provides everything we need to live a good and natural life. We just need to reconnect with it.”- thommo

Yes, if the banks and governments are ousted one day, or we decide to be less dependent on their systems, we can still live a good and natural life by adapting and reconnecting to Nature. Even in the spiritual or metaphysical realm, we are living in a state of abundance, as the Universe always wants to shower us with blessings.

I also agree with the conclusion of the video – that by the power of imagination (when we take some time each day to imagine a peaceful, collaborative and sustainable world) and our individual actions to change the world for the better, we can make a positive difference.

There is always a possibility that the world today would experience significant changes in future for the better, as we are all in a constant state of change. It is only a matter of time, and it is also up to each of us individuals to co-create a better and more humane reality in our own ways. History has shown that there have been revolutionary changes in spite of the odds, such as the civil rights movements spearheaded by Martin Luther King Jr, and the independence of India by Mahatma Gandhi. Besides, I subscribe a bit to the Age of the Aquarius theory too, which describes our transition into a world that is less dominated by power structures, greed and fear, and more marked by empowered humans, love and peace.

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Being Peace

Some of us may feel ashamed at times that our fellow human beings are dying while we have plenty of food. I think this feeling is understandable because we are all interconnected in the universe, and when one part of the body (of humanity) suffers, the rest suffer too. The more we are conscious of our connectedness, the more we can empathise with one another’s sufferings as well as joys, regardless of distance and time. Another example of this interconnectedness is how people responded in empathy and kindness towards Darin Hufford‘s recent illness, from both near and far.

I suppose the least we can do is to hold our brothers and sisters in loving and peaceful thoughts, as well as do what we can to be of help in our own ways. Besides, despite the fact that there are many incidences of sufferings around the world, there are also many incidences of help and relief being provided for the people who are suffering around the world. I believe there are many (relatively) quiet and low-profile revolutions going on in other countries, that set people free from starvation and oppression, in small but significant ways, except that these cases are not reported by mainstream media usually.

I like Thich Nhat Hanh’s sensitive take on the state of the world in his book “Being Peace“, as it has grains of truths that are simple, compassionate and empowering.

“Life is filled with suffering, but it is also filled with many wonders, like the blue sky, the sunshine, the eyes of a baby. To suffer is not enough. We must also be in touch with the wonders of life. They are within us all around us, everywhere, any time.

If we are not happy, if we are not peaceful, we cannot share peace and happiness with others, even those we love, those who live under the same roof. If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Yes, even as we acknowledge the sufferings in the world, we can also acknowledge the wonders in the world too. Maybe our inner peace can impact not only those around us, but also those who are suffering in other countries. This is a reminder for me as well.

Peace within becomes peace without

“Start witnessing your thoughts — sitting silently, just watching the rush of thoughts, not interfering, not saying, “This is good. This is bad.” Not justifying, not appreciating, no judgment… non-judgmental witnessing, just like the mirror. Anybody or anything that passes by, the mirror reflects it; that’s all, it makes no comment.”

~ Osho

I like Osho’s description of watching the thoughts pass in our mind and not making any comment on whether they are good or bad because it is a very peaceful form of meditation that allows us to remain detached from the world events even as we reflect on them so that we are not tossed to and fro or caught up in the public fervour regarding who’s right or wrong (such as social issues, political issues etc) but we simply see things for what they are, much like watching clouds floating in the sky or leaves falling from the trees.

Many a times, the mass media tends to dramatise things and the audience can become caught up in debates and so on, and become susceptible to being manipulated by the people running the show behind the scenes, so practising this form of meditation enables us to stay detached and calm, refusing to allow ourselves to be swayed or manipulated by the propaganda. We will remain in a state of bliss and silent awareness in Rumi’s field, which is beyond the fields of right doings and wrong doings, proverbially speaking. Some may say this is a passive approach, but I would say it is actually an empowering approach because only when we are peaceful on the inside will we be able to impact the world outside with our peace.

Reflections on propaganda

This is a continuation of my train of thoughts based on my blog “Some thoughts about propaganda“.

As much as I am aghast to know about how the authorities have resorted to manipulate the masses through propaganda to gain power and control, I am not really surprised that this has happened because as long as there is greed and fear, people will do all kinds of things for their own advantage at the expense of others.

While I hate what they are doing, I need to watch it because what I hate, I will become. Similarly, what I fight will ignite, and what I resist will persist.

So, I am not going to fight against the system. At least I am not going to play their game. Let them play their own game and let them get their fingers burnt by playing with their own dangerous fire.

The Universe has its way of restoring its own balance. I can stay at peace and not get myself distracted by the roller-coaster. Only when I am at peace am I be in a position to impact others with peace.

At the same time, I believe by staying aware of the propaganda, I can make informed decisions on how to live my life without harming myself and others, when it comes to deciding what kinds of food to eat, for example.

I believe more and more people are awakening too, as they are also questioning the norms and traditions of the society. For example, people are leaving the institutional churches. People are seeking the right to know what is in their food. And people are protesting against big corporations and governments for not taking necessary actions to safeguard the interests of the populations. We are in good company of like-minded brothers and sisters.

Ecclesiastes chapter 1
2 “Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”
3 What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?
4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.
5 The sun rises and the sun sets,
and hurries back to where it rises.
6 The wind blows to the south
and turns to the north;
round and round it goes,
ever returning on its course.
7 All streams flow into the sea,
yet the sea is never full.
To the place the streams come from,
there they return again.
8 All things are wearisome,
more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing.
9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.
11 No one remembers the former generations,
and even those yet to come
will not be remembered
by those who follow them.

Yes, there is nothing new under the sun and life seems meaningless as history repeats itself because as long as there is greed and fear, there will be inequality and injustice. Maybe the only hope is not out there in the world but is within each person’s heart – for every oppression, there is a Martin Luther King Jr; for every discrimination, there is a Mahatma Gandhi; for every poverty, there is a Mother Teresa; and for every setback and disappointment, there is a Helen Keller. Through the power of one and the ripple effect, each of us can make a positive difference in a negative world. We can always begin a new chapter of hope, so to speak, in a world where there seem many bleak endings. Love always wins.

If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.” (From “Being Peace” by Thich Nhat Hanh)

Can we see things more clearly than the writers of the bible?

Is it POSSIBLE that we have risen to a state on enlightenment that has allowed us to see things more clearly than the writers of the BIBLE??? Before you answer this question, answer these.
Would you own a slave?
Would you disrespect a woman?
Would you tell a woman to “shut up” in church?
Would you treat a woman like property?
Would you beat your child with a wooden shepherd’s rod?
Would you, intentionally, set out to bruise your child?
Would you ask the neighbors to help you KILL your rebel-child?
Would you kill someone for working on Sunday?
Would you sell your daughter to a rapist after he raped her?
Would you forbid a midget from attending services at your church?
A bald man? A woman on her period? A sick person?
Would you ostracize someone because of their sexual orientation?
Would you pray and ask God to break out your enemy’s teeth?
Would you kill a baby because it wasn’t from your tribe?
Would you disown your child because a priest told you to?
Shall I continue? Or, would you like to admit that YOU are MORE enlightened, in some areas at least, than Peter, Paul, Moses, David, Solomon and the others???
Love the book, read the book, study the book, honor the book…..
BUT, it is time to stop WORSHIPING a BOOK, don’t you think???

~ “In Light me” by Robert Rutherford

Yes, it’s entirely possible that we have evolved collectively since the bible times, which allows us to see more clearly than the writers of the bible, and in fact, also more clearly than our forefathers as recent as several decades ago who had tried to use the bible to justify slavery, genocide, patriarchy, world war one and two, and so on. Within our generations, we have seen one revolution after another, as people rise up to challenge oppression of minorities and women, and champion peace and inter-generational justice for all. These include the peace movement, women’s liberation, civil rights movement, occupy movements, environmental consciousness, and so on.

Also, while Jesus may have been a mythological character, he may well be an archetype of an enlightened being who represents the new humanity, who is our true identity. He challenged the oppressors and perpetrators of his times, setting the oppressed free, lifting up women and championing freedom of speech, freeing people from heavy burdens and condemnation of the law mindset of the society, challenged the sabbath laws, and ministered life and healing wherever there had been death and sickness. Jesus said to his disciples that greater works they would do than him, and it could well be also referring to the future generations – our generations and beyond – when we would have risen to a state on enlightenment in our collective evolution that revolutionises our thinking and rises above the archaic traditions and practices of people living in bible times. Yes, it is time for people, especially in the religious circles, to stop worshipping the bible as we continue to progress in becoming more human and humane and realising our oneness and interconnectedness with divine love and with one another.

The narrow and hidden path

 “To judge others is a wide path, easy to access and get carried along upon. But to love others is a narrow path; hidden at first glance, in fact it takes time to even discover its trail, but blessed are those who seek it out and journey upon it.”- Mick Mooney

The above quote on the wide and narrow paths reminds me of Jesus’ words on the mount of beautitudes. It is interesting to see that the narrow way that leads to life can be referring to a non-judgemental approach to living life. I believe it not only promotes inner peace and well-being but also enables people to experience eternal life, which is knowing our highest self and our true identity as one with god/divine love, and one with one another.

I suppose the wide path, on the other hand, leads to destruction in the sense of destroying the sense of unity and harmony when people judge one another, which we all tend to do from time to time as part of human nature. But as the above quote says, the narrow path is a hidden path at first glance, and it is worth seeking this path of our divine nature, for its reward is life (peace, wellbeing, unity and harmony with self and others). This is a timeless reminder, and I believe each person can discover and re-discover this hidden and narrow path that leads to life through contemplative living in stillness and silence, as well as reminding and exhorting one another.

Peace is a verb, not a noun!

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yes, peace is both the journey as well as the destination, the means as well as the goal, as Martin Luther King, Jr. said. As a similar saying goes, “There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.” Peace is a verb because it is active – we continually practise peace in our life through conscious choice.

I think in some cases, peace may involve speaking out against injustice, like what this article on “A Buddhist look at justice” says, such as in the case of Martin Luther King, Jr. making impassioned speeches championing equal rights for all.

On the other hand, sitting quietly in prayer and meditation (“Be still and know I am”) can be a powerful way to bring peace into the world. Thich Nhat Hahn is a strong advocate on this means of peaceful movement, and he is also writing books and conducting talks to promote peace. So, peace may also involve meditation and mindful living, such as practising mindful walking, sitting and eating. All these are peaceful means by which we arrive at the goal of peace (both inner peace and world peace). So yea, I suppose it depends on situations, and I guess the most important thing is to follow the bliss/peace within, in whatever we do.

One of the problems of contemporary culture is that life moves at such a quick pace, we usually don’t give ourselves time to feel and listen deeply. You may have to take deliberate action to nurture the soul. If you want to increase your soul’s bank account, you may have to seek out the unfamiliar and do things that at first could feel uncomfortable. Give yourself time as you experiment. How will you know if you’re on the right track? I like Rumi’s counsel: ‘When you do something from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

Elizabeth LesserThe Seeker’s Guide: Making Your Life A Spiritual Adventure

Mindfulness as a Foundation for Health: Thich Nhat Hanh and Health@Google

Video commentary:

Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh (known as Thay in his circles) made a rare visit to the Googleplex to lead a half-day Health@Google workshop in the fundamentals of mindfulness. The exercises and rituals of mindfulness lay the path to optimal health and happiness.

Thay may be the second most famous Buddhist monk in the world, right after the Dalai Lama. He is certainly one of the best known and most respected Zen Masters in the world. Thay is a best-selling author, poet, and peace activist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr. He is a key pioneer in actively applying insights from meditation to solving real-world social, political and environmental problems. Thay most recently published Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, with Harvard School of Public Health nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung. At 85, he’s touring North America before retiring to his monastery in France.

Life at Google is fast, furious and fun, yet it can take a toll on ourselves and our loved ones. Through Thay’s specially crafted workshop, you’ll learn how to reduce stress, eat for health, sleep better, find emotional stability, improve concentration and sustain optimal performance.

–Chade-Meng Tan