May the blessings of Autumn be upon you

I like this meaningful quote:

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” – Albert Camus

I also like this inspiring quote:

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” ~Emily Bronte

I think autumn is a special season in its own right. Albert Camus also has an eye for beauty by noting that every leaf in autumn is a flower as it changes colour from green to orange, red or yellow. Such leaves that flutter from the autumn tree are like confetti showering bliss around us. I believe as we enter into the autumn season, we also experience more of the bliss and poetry that this season has to offer. It adds a new dimension to the photographic experience too, for those on a photo-journey in the temperate regions in the northern hemisphere.

“Fall has arrived! Behold the changing leaves, and enjoy the crisp breeze. Let your eyes take in the bursts of color.” ~Unknown

Autumn commemorates my time with my bosom friend together, amidst the changing leaves and crisp breezes, as our eyes take in the burst of colour and celebration.

“There is no season in all the year so beautiful, so radiant with glory, as the early autumn. There is no time when the human soul drinks in so fully the glory and beauty of nature… We do not understand the secret of this principle, yet we know that it is some law of the infinite mind.”
~from the Northern Advocate~

Yes, the secret of the principle of the early autumn that is so beautiful and radiant with glory is like a mystery, which is testimony of some law of the infinite mind. I would like to believe that the same infinite mind resides in us, and is able to resonate with the beauty and radiance of the mysterious nature of the seasons we experience. May the blessings of Autumn be upon you.

2 thoughts on “May the blessings of Autumn be upon you

  1. Pingback: First Signs « Haiga 365

  2. Pingback: I wish we had autumn… | Chic Pinay Diaries

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